Sunday, 25 October 2015

The return to Australia.

Hi all.

So as you may or may not be aware I have now made it to the land of Australia. After 3 long days of buses, cars and planes I made it back to East Maitland.
All of my luggage arrived and I was greeted with so much love.

Right now as I sit here I am praising God for his amazing goodness, the rain that I hear as I type, the constant power, the hot pressured showers and the joy of being able to reconnect with family and friends.
As I sit here and reflect I am so thankful right now for all that the lord has been, is doing and will continue to do in my life. His arms are so stretched open with so much love to offer.

What a joy it is to be back in this place again. I will be around here for the next 4 months, so please if you would like to catch up let me know my number will be at the bottom of the page if you would like to contact me, I would love to hear from you.

Again I would like to say a huge ASANTE sana (Thank you) so very much to each of you who have given on a financial bases, for prayer and the constancy of each one of you. You have blessed me beyond words, beyond all means. It totally humbles me to the point of tears as I think about each one of you and how you have blessed me over the years.

If this is your first time catching up on all of the latest news of what I have been doing, welcome and thank you for taking this time to read my blog.

If you would like to continue giving while I am here in Australia, my details will be at the bottom of the page (Please note that the money that you give will be put aside while I am in Australia for when I return in February 2016). If you would like to know more about what exactly I am doing, or if you have questions or would like to meet me for a coffee please just send me a text (the number above).
During my time in Australia I plan on doing a little bit of causal work to assist with finances while living in OZ.

In all honesty as I sit here and write I am amazed at how much God provides for my every single need. He is so good, and I am just humbled by what he has already done in my life both in Africa and here over the last few days.

A few prayer and praise points are below.

* Please continue to pray for Tanzania and the elections that happened our yesterday (Sunday) pray for a peaceful outcome, pray for no violence.

* Pray please for the beginning of my practicum for university (This is a volunteer position, but just be in prayer that I am able to get the correct text book and that all goes well for this).

* Continued prayer for my finances as I meet my target for returning to Tanzania. Pray that God is just able to open doors where needed.

* Right now I am so praising God for family and friends, for the times shared, for catching up and sharing in the joy of lives.

*I am praising God for the rain as I sit here and hear it, but also as we still have power (Something I am still getting used to).

* Finally (Though there are so many praise points) I am thankful for God's love and goodness that he is pouring out to me.

As I finish up this blog here are ways of giving and contact details again.

Account details: Carly Greening
Bank: Newcastle Permenant Building Society
BSB: 650 000
Account Number: 970033305

If you would like to contact me you can do so in several ways.

*Facebook: Carly Greening

*Skype: carly.greening


*Phone: 0487692594 or for those of you who still use a home phone: 49343443

I will blog again soon of the fun adventures here in Australia. Until then much love and many blessings.

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