Tuesday, 20 October 2015

The count down is ON.

Mambo (Hey) to you all, Well I am now down into the final count down preparing to come back to OZ. For those of you who have missed out or not heard I will return to AUSTRALIA on the Saturday 24th (I will arrive in Maitland on Sunday 25th).

So as the time gets closer life continues to stay busy. I wanted to share a few glimpses of what has been happening over the past week....

One of the teams at Engedi is called the COT team (Community Outreach Team), and while I am not part of this team, I did have the chance to go with them on a treasure hunt yesterday. For those of you who are unsure of what this mean, its where we pray for clues and then go out into the village wait on God and then once we see them ask people if we can pray for them.
What an amazing time it was. As we prayed many of us (4 all together) got different pictures and words. We started walking and as we went one of the team members saw one of the pictures. The picture was a man with one leg. As we went up to where we thought he would be he was out. Just as we were about to continue walking his wife came up. Through the translation she said he was at home in the morning but was unsure now. We walked to the house but he was not there. There were some young kids hanging around and so Emma asked if anyone had seen this guy. He was just down the dusty road a bit standing under a tree in the shade (It was beginning to get warm). As we approacehed him and his friend he introduced himself as Baba Kefi. We prayed for this man with one leg. His friend who was standing near explained that his wife was really sick so we went inside to pray for her. When we arrived she was so so sick. She went to sit up and we said to her to continue lying down. We began to pray and she all of a sudden sat up, Rod one of the team members continued to pray and then she stood up. We kept praying and this woman who had been to see the doctor who couldn't find anything wrong,  people had come to visit her and the house was full with Mama's and children. She was HEALED. The miracle from when we first came into the house to pray for her to the end. When she sat up and asked through translation how she felt she said she was healed. She gave the biggest smile and just was so happy. The whole room clapped with joy. WOW. How amazing is God. This totally gave me more faith.
There were two others who were healed on this same day. Praise God for this.

I want to share these stories as a testimony of what God is capable of doing. He can do the impossible. He has this power. He can heal the sick and make the blind see. My faith on this day has been increased. It continues to grow as I see the awesomeness of how good God is.

With only a few more days of being in TZ, life has been filled with goodness. I am continuing to do my small groups with the children. Again more of God's greatness and testimonies. A little girl named Lydia who is from a Masai family has been in my group, my heart is filled with so much joy from the improvements she has made in my group over the term. Lydia just the other day was able to put sentences together in a reader book. WOW what a celebration this is. She has come in leaps and bounds and I continue to ask that you continue to lift my 10 children up in prayer. These kids each one of them have made huge improvements. Such an awesome praise point again.

As I prepare to return I have some prayer requests to go with my praise points from above.
This week I am asking that you uphold me, the team of Engedi and the nation of Tanzania in prayer, the prayer points are as per follows.

Please hold me in prayer as I travel, pray for safety as I travel the long distance starting on Thursday to Nairobi.

Pray for the nation of Tanzania as we have elections on Sunday 25th (This coming week) this is a huge prayer point as this marks a new chapter for Tanzania.

Continue to pray for our school children. Pray for my 10 little children.

The last prayer point is one that has been a struggle, but I feel as though God wants me to declare his goodness. I ask that you pray for my finances. In the flesh it has been so hard and a struggle, but God being in the spirit has provided, I believe that he will continue to provide for this need that is ongoing.  For it is by the Grace of God and through faith that I believe that God will provide for my every need.

Thank you really seems so little for the current financial support that has been given to me over the years. But thank you.

With joy as I prepare to travel and see you all.


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