Sunday, 25 October 2015

The return to Australia.

Hi all.

So as you may or may not be aware I have now made it to the land of Australia. After 3 long days of buses, cars and planes I made it back to East Maitland.
All of my luggage arrived and I was greeted with so much love.

Right now as I sit here I am praising God for his amazing goodness, the rain that I hear as I type, the constant power, the hot pressured showers and the joy of being able to reconnect with family and friends.
As I sit here and reflect I am so thankful right now for all that the lord has been, is doing and will continue to do in my life. His arms are so stretched open with so much love to offer.

What a joy it is to be back in this place again. I will be around here for the next 4 months, so please if you would like to catch up let me know my number will be at the bottom of the page if you would like to contact me, I would love to hear from you.

Again I would like to say a huge ASANTE sana (Thank you) so very much to each of you who have given on a financial bases, for prayer and the constancy of each one of you. You have blessed me beyond words, beyond all means. It totally humbles me to the point of tears as I think about each one of you and how you have blessed me over the years.

If this is your first time catching up on all of the latest news of what I have been doing, welcome and thank you for taking this time to read my blog.

If you would like to continue giving while I am here in Australia, my details will be at the bottom of the page (Please note that the money that you give will be put aside while I am in Australia for when I return in February 2016). If you would like to know more about what exactly I am doing, or if you have questions or would like to meet me for a coffee please just send me a text (the number above).
During my time in Australia I plan on doing a little bit of causal work to assist with finances while living in OZ.

In all honesty as I sit here and write I am amazed at how much God provides for my every single need. He is so good, and I am just humbled by what he has already done in my life both in Africa and here over the last few days.

A few prayer and praise points are below.

* Please continue to pray for Tanzania and the elections that happened our yesterday (Sunday) pray for a peaceful outcome, pray for no violence.

* Pray please for the beginning of my practicum for university (This is a volunteer position, but just be in prayer that I am able to get the correct text book and that all goes well for this).

* Continued prayer for my finances as I meet my target for returning to Tanzania. Pray that God is just able to open doors where needed.

* Right now I am so praising God for family and friends, for the times shared, for catching up and sharing in the joy of lives.

*I am praising God for the rain as I sit here and hear it, but also as we still have power (Something I am still getting used to).

* Finally (Though there are so many praise points) I am thankful for God's love and goodness that he is pouring out to me.

As I finish up this blog here are ways of giving and contact details again.

Account details: Carly Greening
Bank: Newcastle Permenant Building Society
BSB: 650 000
Account Number: 970033305

If you would like to contact me you can do so in several ways.

*Facebook: Carly Greening

*Skype: carly.greening


*Phone: 0487692594 or for those of you who still use a home phone: 49343443

I will blog again soon of the fun adventures here in Australia. Until then much love and many blessings.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

The count down is ON.

Mambo (Hey) to you all, Well I am now down into the final count down preparing to come back to OZ. For those of you who have missed out or not heard I will return to AUSTRALIA on the Saturday 24th (I will arrive in Maitland on Sunday 25th).

So as the time gets closer life continues to stay busy. I wanted to share a few glimpses of what has been happening over the past week....

One of the teams at Engedi is called the COT team (Community Outreach Team), and while I am not part of this team, I did have the chance to go with them on a treasure hunt yesterday. For those of you who are unsure of what this mean, its where we pray for clues and then go out into the village wait on God and then once we see them ask people if we can pray for them.
What an amazing time it was. As we prayed many of us (4 all together) got different pictures and words. We started walking and as we went one of the team members saw one of the pictures. The picture was a man with one leg. As we went up to where we thought he would be he was out. Just as we were about to continue walking his wife came up. Through the translation she said he was at home in the morning but was unsure now. We walked to the house but he was not there. There were some young kids hanging around and so Emma asked if anyone had seen this guy. He was just down the dusty road a bit standing under a tree in the shade (It was beginning to get warm). As we approacehed him and his friend he introduced himself as Baba Kefi. We prayed for this man with one leg. His friend who was standing near explained that his wife was really sick so we went inside to pray for her. When we arrived she was so so sick. She went to sit up and we said to her to continue lying down. We began to pray and she all of a sudden sat up, Rod one of the team members continued to pray and then she stood up. We kept praying and this woman who had been to see the doctor who couldn't find anything wrong,  people had come to visit her and the house was full with Mama's and children. She was HEALED. The miracle from when we first came into the house to pray for her to the end. When she sat up and asked through translation how she felt she said she was healed. She gave the biggest smile and just was so happy. The whole room clapped with joy. WOW. How amazing is God. This totally gave me more faith.
There were two others who were healed on this same day. Praise God for this.

I want to share these stories as a testimony of what God is capable of doing. He can do the impossible. He has this power. He can heal the sick and make the blind see. My faith on this day has been increased. It continues to grow as I see the awesomeness of how good God is.

With only a few more days of being in TZ, life has been filled with goodness. I am continuing to do my small groups with the children. Again more of God's greatness and testimonies. A little girl named Lydia who is from a Masai family has been in my group, my heart is filled with so much joy from the improvements she has made in my group over the term. Lydia just the other day was able to put sentences together in a reader book. WOW what a celebration this is. She has come in leaps and bounds and I continue to ask that you continue to lift my 10 children up in prayer. These kids each one of them have made huge improvements. Such an awesome praise point again.

As I prepare to return I have some prayer requests to go with my praise points from above.
This week I am asking that you uphold me, the team of Engedi and the nation of Tanzania in prayer, the prayer points are as per follows.

Please hold me in prayer as I travel, pray for safety as I travel the long distance starting on Thursday to Nairobi.

Pray for the nation of Tanzania as we have elections on Sunday 25th (This coming week) this is a huge prayer point as this marks a new chapter for Tanzania.

Continue to pray for our school children. Pray for my 10 little children.

The last prayer point is one that has been a struggle, but I feel as though God wants me to declare his goodness. I ask that you pray for my finances. In the flesh it has been so hard and a struggle, but God being in the spirit has provided, I believe that he will continue to provide for this need that is ongoing.  For it is by the Grace of God and through faith that I believe that God will provide for my every need.

Thank you really seems so little for the current financial support that has been given to me over the years. But thank you.

With joy as I prepare to travel and see you all.


Monday, 12 October 2015

12 days to go....

The month of October...

Hey all

October... Where did September go to? I am amazed that in 12 days (Saturday 24th October) I will be landing in Oz.

What a week this has been. I don't know about you but for me my last week was one that was so crazy.
Last Monday I was able to visit a good friend of mine who lives on the other side of town. As I was preparing to leave I noticed that I had a flat tyre. OK good to fix this now and to then go straight to a petrol station to fix this. I was so thankful to my friends workers who helped me and changed the tyre. It was a bit of a TIA (this is Africa) moment.
I got almost home when I could hear a loud sound. At first thought my mind went to Oh is that the car in front of me, I then felt the steering going funny. I think at this point some people were yelling out to me, but I kept going to and pulled over to a safe place.
Another flat tyre. OK this can be fixed. I called some people at Engedi after talking to a person walking by. Just as people were about to come and help,  Emma's friends who are from Fiji came along reversed their car and stopped to help me. They recognised my car and were more than happy to help me as it was getting dark. Just as we were finished my home group leader Peter came along stopped his car and got out to see what was going on. By this point the sun had set and we were ready to go home. TIA yet again, but through it all God knows and is so much bigger. He has a plan and a purpose in all that I do.

We have a Mama (Mama Agape) who is due to have her 3rd baby. This past week on Wednesday she was admitted to hospital with pains. I arrived later at the hospital, a government hospital that is one of the better ones. (Saint Elizabeth). They said that she could stay in the hospital but that it would be 3 people to one bed. At this point we decided that this would not be so good, so after trying to figure out where was good to take her we decided on ALMC a Lutheran hospital. By this point it was getting late and Mama Agape was in pain. We drove there and after taking her to the emergency room she was seen and then admitted into the hospital for the night. She stayed until Saturday afternoon.
I was able to take Baba Agape (husband) back and forth to the hospital. Please continue to pray for Mama Agape and her family, as this time has been tough for them. They have 2 young children Agape (8 years) and Christian (6 years) at home. It was a joy to see their faces on Saturday afternoon when they saw their mum return.

So as the preparations begin let me share a some AWESOME stuff that has been happening.
Yesterday (Sunday) I was able to go to my African parents church Mama Lois and Pastor, along for the service was Emma, Rod and Jan.
At the end of the service there was a time for prayer and healing. A lady named Elizabeth came up to me and explained that she had been in a car accident, and that her right hand was very sore, she couldn't move it. I asked her if I could pray for her hand. As I laid hands on her hand and prayed she was healed. This was such an awesome thing, because when she came to me for prayer she could not move her fingers, but when I prayed at the end her hand/ fingers were healed.
This is such a testimony to the greatness of the God that I serve. He is awesome!!!!

On another high praise point I must share yet another awesome testimony of what the lord is doing. As I prepare to come back to OZ I had been asking the lord for a car to use while I am back, as this would make life, getting around, seeing people and doing life in OZ so much easier. He provided. The lord provided through a faithful person.

These 2 testimonies have truly encouraged me over this past week, and I am so thankful to be able to share them with you!!!

I am truly just praising God for the goodness of who he is. I have just submitted yet another assignment and finished this subject for Uni.
This means that I now have 6 out of 16 subjects to complete. My aim is to be DONE by October next year.
I will complete another subject (My 0-2 practicum) in November for 4 weeks, and I would ask that you join me in prayer as I complete this subject.

As it has been 2 years since returning to OZ, I will be around for a little longer the dates will be 24th October (arriving) and leaving on the 28th February.

If you would like more details on my movements in these months please send me an email, Fb message, Skype or when I return a text message when I get a sim for my phone. I would love to take the time that I have to share in your lives, to share the happenings and to spend time in your communities however this may look.

So as I prepare to return I do have a few prayer requests that I would love for you to join me in praying with me.

* Pray with me as the national elections for Tanzania are coming up I will leave a few days before voting. I ask that you would join me to pray for the nation of Tanzania as these elections are big.

* Pray for safety as I travel on the 22nd October first via shuttle to Nairobi and then flying out the next day to arrive in OZ on Saturday evening (24th October)

* I still have many available times to catch up with you all. I would love to share in your lives, your church lives, youth groups, kids church, women's groups, home groups and any other happenings that may be going on from the months of the end of October- Late February.

* Please pray for our house Mama (Mama Agape) who is about to have her 3rd child. She was in hospital last week with pains, but has been sent home. I would ask that you join me in praying for her and her family as she prepares to have this baby. Please pray for the doctors here and that her birth would be smooth.

Well for now I am about to race back down to school to teach my 4-5 year olds..

Send me an email, keep me posted as I would LOVE to connect with you all again soon.
