Sunday, 12 July 2015

Power, time and internet

Power, time and internet

Well today for some of my followers I know is the 4th July. So happy 4th of July to you!!!. July has come in the blink of an eye. SO much has and is going on here in TZ. For those of you who are not American, may you enjoy the celebrations and cultures of others around you. 

Let me back step to June a little... 

I want to share with you some of what I find to be the hilarity of living in Tanzania. For me right now the hilarity of this place is the power chase or really should I say the lack of power.... and the Internet!!! 
June was a really busy time for me as I had 3 major assignments due all around the same time. This should be simple right. Go lock yourself away and get it done!!! Well this particular week of June the power decided to cut off. The Internet bundle that I had cut off, and on top of all of this my car was in to be fixed. 
Ok Ok OK.. I thought, God you surly do have a sense of humour, as this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened to me. 
I get into a dala dala (Local bus) and catch it to town, where I go to several different coffee shops only to find that they too have the same problem as me... NO power and NO Internet. As I stop, I have to think on the spot where can I go that will have both power and Internet all at the same time?????? All the while in the back of my mind I am thinking I am wasting time, precious time that I should be using to write papers, BUT instead I’m racing around town chasing after power and Internet. I truly do have to stop and breathe. 
God I say YOU have a plan in this. I am sure you can see the hilarity of this. What is it that you want me to learn??? I have felt like the lord has been trying to teach me... something.... perhaps a lesson???? AHH yes.. A lesson in letting go. A lesson in giving it back to him. A lesson in learning to see the joy in the situations that I feel have none. So really he has been teaching me many lessons... The more I trust in his words the more I can lean back and know that he is the one who needs to take full charge of my life, not just the parts that I want to give him. 
So cutting the many long stories that have all been rolled into one, shorter for you the reader, did I get it done? Did it all come together?
The answer to all of this is YES, and the reason it is YES is because I know that God is bigger than my own thoughts. I just had to trust him. I got all 3 of my works completed, after sitting for many hours straight, i'm sure at times the owner of the coffee shop looked oddly at me to see if I would really stay ALL day at the place... The answer was YES. I did stay many hours in that one place at the coffee shop. 
These days, as I study I am becoming quickly aware of what internet is fast in places and what is slow (This is due to the times that at my house we have no power, or my 'smile' internet 4g is suppost to run fast when really often at times it just cuts out). 
I have truly looked back over this last year and wondered how I actually did survive submitting works with at times horrible power, lack of internet and even worse before having a computer that would die with the power cuts too. 
I am thankful that I have now got a computer that lasts for longer than the amount of time with power and that the battery will hold for a good length of time. 
I truly am thankful though as I reflect back for Jesus being the centre of it all. I am thankful that I even have several coffee shops and places that I can go if the power and Internet fail at my house. I am thankful that I live in a community where friends have offered for me to come to their house to work so that I could get things done. I am thankful regardless of all of the power cuts and lack of Internet that I have access to this technology. 
I think and reflect back to 2008 when I came here, and the Internet was even worse than what it is now, as too was the power. I remember most nights there would be NO power; Skype was not even something that could be used let alone the other cool technologies that are now readily available. 
It makes me stop in my tracks and just marvel at Jesus. This is exactly what he is. MY power sauce. But the AMAZING part is that his connection wont cut off. He won’t just leave me in my midst or cut off just because. I have that endless power supply. The provider to all of my needs... This too I am humbled by and often stopped by. He cares enough about me. His sauce is my light. 

SO what next????? Well my studies are still going, and I am hoping to be done by the end of next year, then adding on an extra year while working again full time. 

In the meantime... 
I have been seeking the lord on how to get my practicums completed for part of my studies, and as I looked more into detail it was apparent that completing my practicum in Tanzania was not possible, I will already be doing another practicum in Australia when I return. 
As God works in his amazing ways, the plan he has for me was different to what I could see (Dont worry I am not leaving Tanzania). 
An amazing opportunity came up, one that I thought would not be possible, to go to do a 25 day practicum in the United States. My ticket is being covered as is accommodation... while helping a friend with her daughter in the evenings and weekends, still being able to study, but learning and growing from a new culture and educational system for the short time. I began looking into centre's and after much prayer, emailing and phone calls I have been accepted into a centre for the 25 days. I will work for a centre in the States am thankful that I have found a centre that I can do this placement at. I will leave on Monday 14th July and return back to Tanzania on the 1st September. I will return to Tanzania at the end of the practicum where I will pick up working with my small groups of children in Phonics and Mathematics. 
I have been able to watch these children grow and develop confidence in both areas, reading words and answering questions. 

My plan is to still return at the end of October, where I will stay for a duration of up to 5 months. 
During this time back in Australia I would love to connect with people through church groups, youth groups, schools and any other fun ways that we can share together some of the amazing things that God has been and continues to do in my life serving here in Tanzania, as well as hearing from each of you.

I would love to connect with your church. If you think your church would be interested in hearing a real live missionary then send me an email, and I would love to make the time to come visit. I am asking this now as I know that by the end of the year things get busy. 
If you have forgotten my email here it is again:
For our connection is at the vine which is the centre of where God is in and through each one of us. I love the thought of being connected and cant wait to reunite with each of you at different times.  

I again want to say lastly before signing off another humbled thank you (Which really does not seem even ever enough) to each of you who continually to believe in me and support me in the ways that make being a missionary possible. Please know that the amounts in which you are giving are going towards things like  fresh food, internet to connect with you all and to do university studies, base rent a place to live, phone credit to connect with people and much much more. Please be encouraged that you are each encouraging me personally as I walk this journey of faith. 

Until I write again next time. Enjoy your power, connect with me, and enjoy a coffee or a tea!!!!

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