Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Rainy days.

Hi all

Well its now into week 10 of my time here in Australia. Christmas has come and gone so very fast as did new years.

As 2016 has kicked off I have spent sometime in prayer and really seeking the lord as to what this year is to bring for me. I felt the words that he shared with me or really the main word of 2016 is TRUST. I write this in capital letters not for you, but to remind myself of what this actually means. God wants me to put my full trust in what he has to give to me in 2016. His abundance is so big and he is the one who will provide for my every need, want and even desire.
He is the God of all God's and I am so thankful that this year I have been able to begin it here in Australia.
I am excited to be able to return to Africa at the end of Feb but am really just enjoying my time here while I can. I am still loving the simple things like hot pressured showers and just being able to go to the beach and swim- its so close. I am thankful for each one of you who read my blog, those of you who pray for me and those of you who financially support me. Blessings to each one of you as you respond to me in different ways. I am blessed because of you, and I pray that each one of you would be blessed too.

2016 what does this year look like for you? I would love to hear what you feel like your year ahead may look like for each one of you. This way I can be praying for you in the times that you most need, but also to be there as a community to encourage one and other.

Christmas was a time that was filled with mixed emotions. The joyful part of christmas was being able to spend it with my 10 nieces and nephews (6 nieces and 4 nephews), the day was busy with having the children around and being around my siblings all bar 1. So all together we were 11 adults. The harder part about christmas has been that my dad has been in and out of hospital, he has had trouble with his haemoglobin. This meant that he spent christmas day in bed, trying to feel better. He is currently now in hospital, and for those of you who do pray I would ask that you join with me in praying for his recovery, that the doctors would have the right answers and that he would heal quickly and be able to come home and return to somewhat 'normal' life.
God is so good and I am thankful that I am here in Australia during this time. He has the plans for each one of us.

My time is going so fast and I am loving being able to still make connections with you all. Some great and big highlights have been when I went to a friends wedding where I was able to catch up with so many of my friends. I was able to fly up to Brisbane where I spent 3 days there with friends catching up on life. This was a great time of rest and just a great time of catching up with so many who I had not seen.
I am right now loving the sound of the rain as I sit inside my house, thankful for the power and really praying that the rain gets to where its most needed. I am thankful for sunny days where I have been able to be outside in the sunshine too.

I have now enrolled for uni for this year and this will commence in February, I have only 5 subjects left and will be completing 2 subjects this semester.
I have loved being able to see so many of you and please remember that I still have time and would love to catch up with you all before the 28th February.

My target goals for support are coming along and if you feel to give on a regular basis then this will help my target for each month.
My target to raise for each month is $700. This is to pay for rent, food, petrol, maintenance of a car, internet, phone credit and ministry to others.
If you would like to know more details about the amount of support I am needing to raise each month, please feel free to email, Facebook me, text me or even give me a call.
I will post the details of how to contact me below as well.
Please know that as you respond to me, I love being able to share in your lives. I love hearing what has been going on and would love to catch up with you all. My number to contact me here in Australia is 0487692504
If you feel led to give on a regular basis or as a one off love donation then my details will be at the bottom of the blog.

Here are the ways in which you can contact me and my bank details too.

*Facebook- Carly Greening
*Skype- carly.greening
*Email- greeningcarly@gmail.com
*Phone- +61 86014052

If you would like to donate here's how. 

Carly Greening
Bank- Newcastle Permenant Building Society
BSB- 650 000
Account Number- 970033305

Until I blog again, blessings to you all as you continue in your month of January 2016.