Monday, 17 November 2014

TIA- This is Africa.

Those TIA moments have come around all too many times these past few weeks when I talk about the TIA moments I am meaning those This is Africa.

So as I sit here to write to you all, for the month before December,  I want to share with you some of the moments that I too have shared in.
Some are well funny and others I guess are those times where if you don't laugh maybe you will cry or scream.

One of my TIA moments was as I had to take a trip to get my licence renewed. In the west a short simple uncomplicated process, for most I'm sure, but here its never just a simple process. Though this time round it was much easier than 2 years ago.
I arrive to the TRA (roads and traffic place), and wander around looking for someone who could possibly help me. Finally I get instructed to go into the line. So I stand in the line and wait, maybe about 30 minutes I am unsure, as I gave up looking at my watch, knowing that the more you think about other things that can be done instead of standing in a line. So I waited, people quickly stood up as soon as the line moved, and eventually I made it fairly hassle free to booth 2, where I thought at first I had forgotten my licence. but no it was just in a well hidden place in my bag. Greetings were had and the lady became a little concerned and was very close to sending me away as I was searching my bag for the licence. RELEIF hit as I gave it to her and that part of the process was complete. WAIT as there is more, I then moved out and headed to the bank, praying that I had enough money and that I didn't need to go and get more. God is so good, thankfully all was ok, so then back into the next line where I waited and watched as we shuffled very closely together until I reached my turn. Again this was all very easy. In my mind I had thought this is going to be a nightmare. Prepare for the worst of what could happen. These thoughts crossed my mind prior to leaving for this little town trip. Will the TRA be closed for an extended lunch, will the power be out and ill have to come back another day. Is it even worth going. But I did it I went and did the paper work that was needed. Today was a good day.
I go back in 2 weeks to get the new licence, and until then I have to show the police my stamped paper so I don't get fined...

Another of the TIA more crazy types of moments also is about cars. The TRA bought in a 'safety' sticker that was required for each car to have. Safety week has come and long gone, and its only today that I was able to get a hold of the 5,000 TS sticker (worth about $3.00). But the crazy part about all of this is that the sticker has only just been released, not to mention that if you get pulled over and don't have one of these stickers then its a fine for you. (Even though the sticker has only just come out). ahhh the logic in all of this. This is for sure one of those moments where you just have to shake your head, laugh and then say ohh Africa....

Dont get me wrong I love this place, and all that I do here, but sometimes things are just not logical or you have these moments of wanting to scream and shout all at the same time, but instead you just stop and say this is just the way it is here and you can't actually change it at all.

One last TIA moment that I shall share with you all is one that isnt so much as funny but more just a small little thing that really in the scheme of life shouldn't affect one at all, its our hot water that has broken. So its now back to boiling the water and using a bucket to shower. (At least I'm clean and we have power. these 2 things I am thankful for.).

I'm sure this may seem trivial to some of you, or maybe even a little silly, but I just wanted to share a little bit of insight as to some of the daily things that go on here. Life is never dull here, and something or someone will always require your assistance, your time, energy and all that goes with living a life as a missionary in community.

In other news the sun has come out and I have been burnt, which here for me is so odd. but then the rains have come as well, and we don't know if they shall stay or go. But the one thing that I am thankful for is that when the rain comes it washes so much away. It really is like that fresh start again. Its a blessing to have rain, and rain brings refreshment into our daily lives both physically and spiritually.
So as the sunshine comes may you all be blessed by the warmth that comes along with it too.


Monday, 3 November 2014

November update.

HI friends,

I wish i could stop and sit to write my blog in one setting, but it always takes me longer, like a week or so to complete. 

WOW October where did this month go? I feel as though I blink and the month is finished. More I blink and the day is over. 
You know its getting hot here in Arusha, because there is no sign of rain, and your feet at the end of the day are always dusty and need a good scrubbing. That and also the power cuts have begun a little more. Until today when the rains have finally come. The amazing smell of rain and refreshment that rain brings to this amazing land. 
But it must be said how amazing the sunsets are here, and how amazing the sun rises are too. Yip I do see the sun rise, as I drink my coffee and look out my bedroom window at around 6am each day.  As I look at it in amazement I stop and marvel at what God has created. WOW everyday its a bit different, and I am so thankful for the creativity and colour that can come each and every day.

A little about school life. 

Let me fill you in a little the school side of things, for those of you who don't know,  I am teaching 5 days per week, in our Nursery class with children aged 2-4 years, and am loving it. Its stretching my Swahili while at the same time growing these kids in English. During this term the main focus within the classroom has been about cars, piki pikis (motorbikes), or anything that moves. The interest came from the children in term 2 and has continued on. This has helped me with my university, as I have been able to extend these interests into the subjects I have been learning about. 
Another big interest has been, with the children finding their own names, and developing an independence, where they are encouraged to write their own name, on their paintings or drawings. (not a traditional way of learning and such a joy to see the excitement as these children learn about literacy). 
I am so encouraged by as well is the self help skills that these children are developing, for example each day they pour their own porridge, and make independent choices about their daily activities. (Again this in many other schools that I have been to over the years is not something that is 'done' here). 
I do stop and just thank God for this time of watching and growing and learning, through these children and their individual personalities that shine through each day. 
If i had more time i would individually write about each child, as they are all so different from each other, but I will refrain this time and give you more of the general update on life. (If you would like to know more about any child/ children then email me, as we do have children who are looking for sponsors). 
As I have been reflecting and thinking what to share about this time as I write, there are so many amazing and great things going on, though at the same time life can be tough or hard, in this I don't mean harder than anyone else or to take away from others, but, sometimes hard in the sense that I reflect as I miss out on family and friends, events and the fun summer times and just hearing on a daily basis the different things going on for each of you, its though not enough for me to move back to OZ, but it does make me stop and become thankful and grateful for where I am right now. 
I love being able to look up and see 2 of the most amazing mountains both in which I have climbed Meru 2 times and Kilimanjaro once, or as I walk or run I can again see the beauty all around me, this even is in fact even with dirty feet and sometimes no power. 

It really is about looking for the good in all that I am doing, and not to get discouraged by the things that are not appearing to go my way, and to stop and understand that God has a bigger plan in all of it. WOW as I even write these words, they make me stop in my midst as I re read what I have just written. Sometimes when things don't go the way we expect or plan God has a bigger or different plan. 

I really see that satan is trying his level best to discourage us not just me but all of us on a daily basis, he doesn't want us to win the battle, more he doesn't even want us to try and fight the battle. But that is exactly what we need to do. 
For me on a personal level now being back here for nearly 10 months, you go through stages where its super easy to be serving and then you go through other stages where its just tough. Both are of equal value to each other, and this is not being written or said to make people worry about if I'm truly happy here or not. I truly am, but in life here in TZ, and the ministry that I know I am called to, there are at different times, where its harder than others. I can really see that this is a spiritual battle that is being fought, and I would ask those of you who pray, to join with me and to pray in this. I am sure that this is not just me going through this, but others as well. I too will continue to pray. 

The good times are being able to fellowship with people on my base, and to see these children being influenced in such a positive manner each and everyday. Having the opportunity to learn and grow in my God walk and to be surrounded by people who support this. My home group is such an outlet where I can be in a place of peace as I grow and learn through our leaders. A peaceful place out kinda what would be classed as the bush. 
At times the harder parts of living here can be, and really are that I so much miss out on seeing family and friends, being in daily communication with each of you. But I am thankful for Skype and technology that allows me to hear from you. Its hard as Christmas approaches, and this year I won't be returning back to Oz, I am still in the process as to what I will do, and will keep you all posted as to where ill be. It may be that I stay here in Tanzania or that I travel. The thought of not getting to see my family and friends and to be in community is a tough decision, but I do feel a peace about it. 

So when you are praying please be in prayer for me, pray specifically for direction, and for wisdom in this next season of university. I would ask for prayer as many of the children in my class keep getting sick, please join me in prayer to heal these kids completely. Lastly I would continue to ask for your prayer in my financial living. May you who give be blessed ten fold over, may the Lord use you and continue to guide each of you who are praying for me on a regular basis. 
And very lastly if you have prayer requests or praise points please be free to send them to me, for I can rejoice with you or pray with you no matter where in the world I am. 

Until the next long blog that I write to you all. 