Friday, 26 December 2014

My American cold christmas holiday.

My cold Christmas holiday.

As I sit here in the airport in Minneapolis I look outside to my right, of the window, to see the snow on the ground and a dull sky that is grey with no sun. To my left a little girl is singing let it go by frozen. HA. It reminds me that so often God is saying to me not to let it go but to give it to him. In such a simple way.

My holiday began 1 week ago after I submitted my assignment for the little bit of the semester, and man was I relieved to be done.

Let me go back a little to before I went on holidays. The week before school finished was CRAZY busy, with so much going on. I was finishing off reports and getting ready to leave as well. In the midst of all of this I was doing my assignment and then I got sick. A whole week of it is not exactly my ideal way to begin my holidays, but I’m so thankful to be better now, I spent pretty much the whole week in hibernation, where people who I work with even began asking where is Carly. To which I was actually hiding to get better and to complete my assignment for uni.

I got on the plane and then headed for Indianapolis, to meet my friend Wendy. It was freezing, but I cam e prepared this time to be able to handle this cold time. Jackets, thermals and a beanie. CHECK.
I arrived in Amsterdam and hung out there for ages, before being asked a million and one questions about where I was headed. I also had the full pat down. I caught my next flight to New York where I literally ran through the airport, like one of those people you look at and think wow they are in a super big rush, but I made it just in the nick of time, rushing through  all the terminals, picking up my luggage re checked in to catch my next flight; I finally stopped and caught my breath, for a short and I do mean very short second it was warm. Well perhaps that's because I was wearing about 6 layers of clothing... The warm feeling quickly disappeared as it became very cold once boarding the plane again. 

I met Wendy, and then the first week with her just flew by. The first few days, she showed me around the cold place of Indianapolis, to which I was amazed that everything is huge here. I mean the small cups are like a large almost. Anyway enough of the size of things. I got to see many of the sights like the museum and walking in the snow down town. On the final night I was able to see the lights at the zoo, and a dolphin show. It was freezing. My skin is all dried up from the amount of coldness we have here. I think my coldness almost compares to climbing Killi and Meru, though without the altitude, I can just replace it with the jet lag. We have warm places to be able to sit though, and coffee too.

So I make it onto the plane and arrive into Billings Montana. (Check out my pictures on Facebook). Beth’s dad greets me and he takes me to greet Beth. We then head over to grab some lunch, where we are given this amazing choice of bread. The snow is covering the grounds and the sun is shining. I’m now sitting waiting for Beth to be done with work to then go and eat some dinner. I have enjoyed coffee and am watching the sunshine out the window on this cold Friday afternoon. 

Leading up to christmas day, we went out to the yellowstone national park, and stayed in this cool little place called Chico. I survived swimming in minus 5 or 6 degree temperatures, (Its a hot spearing pool) and thankfully the pool was heated. It was super cool as it was snowing while we were swimming. Christmas eve was celebrated with my friend Beth's family where we ate chilli and celebrated. That evening it snowed and we woke up to a true white christmas. Was super cool.  At around 1:30 am my time I was able to Skype with my family. Love that technology and internet are fast enough to do this. We ate brekkie and then went for a walk and followed the day through with a yumo lunch. Later in the arvo we drove back to where we were staying and then took a look at some amazing christmas lights. Lights have been taken to a whole new level here, this is still part of my favourite thing about christmas.  

Right now its just lovely being inside a warm house with a blanket looking outside at the snow on the ground, and from time to time the deers will just wander around the yard too. 
On that note I shall go. I do pray and hope that your christmas day, boxing day and the new year are filled with joy and many blessings, as Jesus is the reason for being able to celebrate all of this. 

I will try very hard to keep in contact better, though if you check out my Facebook you will see the pictures to my adventures, otherwise if you would like please email me. I love hearing from people and what you have all been doing over the holiday break. In case you have forgotten my email is 

Monday, 17 November 2014

TIA- This is Africa.

Those TIA moments have come around all too many times these past few weeks when I talk about the TIA moments I am meaning those This is Africa.

So as I sit here to write to you all, for the month before December,  I want to share with you some of the moments that I too have shared in.
Some are well funny and others I guess are those times where if you don't laugh maybe you will cry or scream.

One of my TIA moments was as I had to take a trip to get my licence renewed. In the west a short simple uncomplicated process, for most I'm sure, but here its never just a simple process. Though this time round it was much easier than 2 years ago.
I arrive to the TRA (roads and traffic place), and wander around looking for someone who could possibly help me. Finally I get instructed to go into the line. So I stand in the line and wait, maybe about 30 minutes I am unsure, as I gave up looking at my watch, knowing that the more you think about other things that can be done instead of standing in a line. So I waited, people quickly stood up as soon as the line moved, and eventually I made it fairly hassle free to booth 2, where I thought at first I had forgotten my licence. but no it was just in a well hidden place in my bag. Greetings were had and the lady became a little concerned and was very close to sending me away as I was searching my bag for the licence. RELEIF hit as I gave it to her and that part of the process was complete. WAIT as there is more, I then moved out and headed to the bank, praying that I had enough money and that I didn't need to go and get more. God is so good, thankfully all was ok, so then back into the next line where I waited and watched as we shuffled very closely together until I reached my turn. Again this was all very easy. In my mind I had thought this is going to be a nightmare. Prepare for the worst of what could happen. These thoughts crossed my mind prior to leaving for this little town trip. Will the TRA be closed for an extended lunch, will the power be out and ill have to come back another day. Is it even worth going. But I did it I went and did the paper work that was needed. Today was a good day.
I go back in 2 weeks to get the new licence, and until then I have to show the police my stamped paper so I don't get fined...

Another of the TIA more crazy types of moments also is about cars. The TRA bought in a 'safety' sticker that was required for each car to have. Safety week has come and long gone, and its only today that I was able to get a hold of the 5,000 TS sticker (worth about $3.00). But the crazy part about all of this is that the sticker has only just been released, not to mention that if you get pulled over and don't have one of these stickers then its a fine for you. (Even though the sticker has only just come out). ahhh the logic in all of this. This is for sure one of those moments where you just have to shake your head, laugh and then say ohh Africa....

Dont get me wrong I love this place, and all that I do here, but sometimes things are just not logical or you have these moments of wanting to scream and shout all at the same time, but instead you just stop and say this is just the way it is here and you can't actually change it at all.

One last TIA moment that I shall share with you all is one that isnt so much as funny but more just a small little thing that really in the scheme of life shouldn't affect one at all, its our hot water that has broken. So its now back to boiling the water and using a bucket to shower. (At least I'm clean and we have power. these 2 things I am thankful for.).

I'm sure this may seem trivial to some of you, or maybe even a little silly, but I just wanted to share a little bit of insight as to some of the daily things that go on here. Life is never dull here, and something or someone will always require your assistance, your time, energy and all that goes with living a life as a missionary in community.

In other news the sun has come out and I have been burnt, which here for me is so odd. but then the rains have come as well, and we don't know if they shall stay or go. But the one thing that I am thankful for is that when the rain comes it washes so much away. It really is like that fresh start again. Its a blessing to have rain, and rain brings refreshment into our daily lives both physically and spiritually.
So as the sunshine comes may you all be blessed by the warmth that comes along with it too.


Monday, 3 November 2014

November update.

HI friends,

I wish i could stop and sit to write my blog in one setting, but it always takes me longer, like a week or so to complete. 

WOW October where did this month go? I feel as though I blink and the month is finished. More I blink and the day is over. 
You know its getting hot here in Arusha, because there is no sign of rain, and your feet at the end of the day are always dusty and need a good scrubbing. That and also the power cuts have begun a little more. Until today when the rains have finally come. The amazing smell of rain and refreshment that rain brings to this amazing land. 
But it must be said how amazing the sunsets are here, and how amazing the sun rises are too. Yip I do see the sun rise, as I drink my coffee and look out my bedroom window at around 6am each day.  As I look at it in amazement I stop and marvel at what God has created. WOW everyday its a bit different, and I am so thankful for the creativity and colour that can come each and every day.

A little about school life. 

Let me fill you in a little the school side of things, for those of you who don't know,  I am teaching 5 days per week, in our Nursery class with children aged 2-4 years, and am loving it. Its stretching my Swahili while at the same time growing these kids in English. During this term the main focus within the classroom has been about cars, piki pikis (motorbikes), or anything that moves. The interest came from the children in term 2 and has continued on. This has helped me with my university, as I have been able to extend these interests into the subjects I have been learning about. 
Another big interest has been, with the children finding their own names, and developing an independence, where they are encouraged to write their own name, on their paintings or drawings. (not a traditional way of learning and such a joy to see the excitement as these children learn about literacy). 
I am so encouraged by as well is the self help skills that these children are developing, for example each day they pour their own porridge, and make independent choices about their daily activities. (Again this in many other schools that I have been to over the years is not something that is 'done' here). 
I do stop and just thank God for this time of watching and growing and learning, through these children and their individual personalities that shine through each day. 
If i had more time i would individually write about each child, as they are all so different from each other, but I will refrain this time and give you more of the general update on life. (If you would like to know more about any child/ children then email me, as we do have children who are looking for sponsors). 
As I have been reflecting and thinking what to share about this time as I write, there are so many amazing and great things going on, though at the same time life can be tough or hard, in this I don't mean harder than anyone else or to take away from others, but, sometimes hard in the sense that I reflect as I miss out on family and friends, events and the fun summer times and just hearing on a daily basis the different things going on for each of you, its though not enough for me to move back to OZ, but it does make me stop and become thankful and grateful for where I am right now. 
I love being able to look up and see 2 of the most amazing mountains both in which I have climbed Meru 2 times and Kilimanjaro once, or as I walk or run I can again see the beauty all around me, this even is in fact even with dirty feet and sometimes no power. 

It really is about looking for the good in all that I am doing, and not to get discouraged by the things that are not appearing to go my way, and to stop and understand that God has a bigger plan in all of it. WOW as I even write these words, they make me stop in my midst as I re read what I have just written. Sometimes when things don't go the way we expect or plan God has a bigger or different plan. 

I really see that satan is trying his level best to discourage us not just me but all of us on a daily basis, he doesn't want us to win the battle, more he doesn't even want us to try and fight the battle. But that is exactly what we need to do. 
For me on a personal level now being back here for nearly 10 months, you go through stages where its super easy to be serving and then you go through other stages where its just tough. Both are of equal value to each other, and this is not being written or said to make people worry about if I'm truly happy here or not. I truly am, but in life here in TZ, and the ministry that I know I am called to, there are at different times, where its harder than others. I can really see that this is a spiritual battle that is being fought, and I would ask those of you who pray, to join with me and to pray in this. I am sure that this is not just me going through this, but others as well. I too will continue to pray. 

The good times are being able to fellowship with people on my base, and to see these children being influenced in such a positive manner each and everyday. Having the opportunity to learn and grow in my God walk and to be surrounded by people who support this. My home group is such an outlet where I can be in a place of peace as I grow and learn through our leaders. A peaceful place out kinda what would be classed as the bush. 
At times the harder parts of living here can be, and really are that I so much miss out on seeing family and friends, being in daily communication with each of you. But I am thankful for Skype and technology that allows me to hear from you. Its hard as Christmas approaches, and this year I won't be returning back to Oz, I am still in the process as to what I will do, and will keep you all posted as to where ill be. It may be that I stay here in Tanzania or that I travel. The thought of not getting to see my family and friends and to be in community is a tough decision, but I do feel a peace about it. 

So when you are praying please be in prayer for me, pray specifically for direction, and for wisdom in this next season of university. I would ask for prayer as many of the children in my class keep getting sick, please join me in prayer to heal these kids completely. Lastly I would continue to ask for your prayer in my financial living. May you who give be blessed ten fold over, may the Lord use you and continue to guide each of you who are praying for me on a regular basis. 
And very lastly if you have prayer requests or praise points please be free to send them to me, for I can rejoice with you or pray with you no matter where in the world I am. 

Until the next long blog that I write to you all. 

Sunday, 28 September 2014

The spit of blessing.

Hi all,

So as I sit here, again I'm in the dark with no power... Tenesco decided for some unknown reason to cut the power to our area, and we are unsure as to how long this shall last.
My memory recalls that last year this was the case as well, then it just comes back on whenever. I am thankful for when we do have power, though when we are without it truly makes me stop and be thankful for what God has given to me.

I went for a walk this afternoon down to our gauge, where I was able to watch the sunset. This is always such an amazing time of day where I find I can stop and just watch the sun set, and marvel at the amazing creation that God has created.

So as my blog is titled, the spit of blessing I shall tell the story of this. Last wednesday Emma and I were getting ready for home group. A series of events happened before we were to go. One of which we lost our house keys and went searching high and low to fin them. This ended with success. We then got on our way to drive out to the village, (dirt roads, behind our base), and as we were driving I saw this old Bibi (grandmother). I said to Emma, Should we stop and give her a ride. we decided that we should. I pulled over and stopped and in my Swahili asked her if she wanted a lifti. She needed a little help getting into the car, and just kept saying Asante (actually it was in Masai). She told us that some of her grand children go to our school, but didn't know which ones. We stopped and pulled her over. I got out to open the door to her side of the car, and as she got out gave the most graceful spit into my hands as a blessing, then leant over to do the same to Emma, and then re blessing my hands a second time. She asked us into her home, but as we were on our way to home group we declined but promised that we would return. We drove off and I said to Emma WOW I have never had a Masai blessing before, and Emma said Me either. We were both fully stoked by what had just happened. We arrived to home group (Late), but didn't get lost. Previously we have been lost every time and taken wrong turns going home from bible study.

On the school front of things I am soo loving teaching in Nursery class again, and have had such a blast getting to know these precious little ones. We have been talking so much about cars and buses and trucks, and using so many sensory things, there is just too much to talk about.
Some highlights though, within our school is our times of Professional development. These times have been so valuable. Every Friday we meet together and share, and learn and grow as a team. This is such an encouragement.
I have been still mentoring and am being mentored by some awesome teachers, Lynda being one. I give feedback and receive this every week and again am so thankful for where God has put me right now. He has placed me in this time to learn and grow, to hear his voice and to be strong in this.
I am so thankful for this team, and for the growth journey that I am on right now.
I am so thankful for being able to stop and listen and hear god's sweet voice that says so many amazing and awesome things to me.

So all in all life has been and continues to be busy, I'm super excited by the things that God is doing in my life, and love having the opportunity to share with you all.

On that note I shall continue on with my uni readings, and assignments.
When you think of me please Pray. God puts people into our hearts at the exact times we need prayer.
If you have specific prayer requests send them to me.

For me some specifics for now to be praying for.

  • Pray for me as I have 3 essays due. 2 are due on the 13th October and 1 is due on the 19th October. Pray that God enables me to have wisdom, and knowledge to get these done in time.
  • Continue to pray with me for my finances, they are a little stretched right now, but I trust God complexity and know that he is the provider for all things.
  • Pray for me as I continue to teach in my class, pray for wisdom and knowledge on exactly what God wants me to be teaching each day. 
Praise points that are always soo good to be encouraged by. 
  • Our school has been waiting for sometime to be registered, (that means we couldn't have our children sit exams at school they had to go else where), but Praise God we are REGISTERED. this was such exciting news. 
  • Praise God that each day I can be thankful for him placing me in this place. 
  • And lastly praise God for being able to connect with people in all parts of the world via emails and Facebook.
SOOOO on that note I pray that you would all be fully blessed as you continue on the work and in your daily lives. 
Until I blog again. 

Sunday, 24 August 2014

The long over due awaited blog.

Hello all

WOW, this blog is so way over due, its crazy because now i have to stop and remember what i have been doing over the last 2-3 months since i last blogged. Let me drink some coffee and maybe this will jog my memory...

Ahhh and it all comes back to me.. 
well as i was saying its been crazy, busy, hectic and much much more, many great times have been had so let me begin with them.

I had the joyous time with Amy who came for 3 weeks to celebrate her 30th and my belayed 30th. We took an amazing trip to Zanzibar, where the water was just fine to swim in, and had a great time just chilling out catching up on life together. We had a great time laughing and hanging out. The 2nd part of Amy being here was that we climbed and conceded Kilimanjaro. this was a 7 day hike, that being  as awesome as we are did in 6 days. Though our legs by the end did not so much agree. we walked 53kms in 6 days. maybe it was more i can't remember now, but it was a lot. We dragged ourselves to the top of Stella's point, with the horrid feeling of altitude sickness and laughed so much, about i can't even remember, but we had an awesome time. I walked the little (not so little at the time, 40 minutes) to the peak Uhuru, the conditions were absolutely amazing, perfect really, as there was no wind or rain. Sadly on this trip i did forget my famous bed socks from the first time i climbed Meru.... we trekked back down the great big mountain saying goodbye, as i can now look in the horizon and say i have climbed this mountain, but never ever again will i climb again.....  Onto other mountains, and new fun adventures. 
Showering at the end of 6 days, was AMAZING. i was so thankful to be clean again.....
Amy had only a few days left, and so we got to hang out some more, and then she had to go.... Back on the plane to OZ land. 

No sooner did Amy get on the plane and i had 3 essays for uni, 2 due within a day of each other and then 1 the following week. this was a somewhat nice distraction from the sad goodbyes that too often get said fro this end. Though i am and always will be so thankful that Amy came to spend 3 weeks hanging out with me. 

prior to Amy coming i did have a tougher time, as some of you may or may not have heard that my real dad passed away. this was sudden to hear, and a little shocking as the news came in dribs and drabs, about his life for the past 15 years, and really isn't very clear to this day.  this has been and still is a process that i am going through and dealing with. one that really has no quick fix or quick answer to know what or how to cope or deal with this situation. though the one and really only thing that has really gotten me through and is God, though some days i stop and reflect that my earthly real father is not around, i can be thankful that i have an amazing father (Phil) my step father, who has been just like my real father for so many years. that and being able to rest in my heavenly fathers love that he wants so deeply to share with me. though this time has been tough, i am also so thankful to Maitland Baps church, for your prayers and support through this time. even though i am so far away i still know that I'm connected to a church who cares so deeply for their people. 

So life continues, and through all of this i just hear God's whisper to stop and listen to him. to let him take the control of my life, and to give up taking control and to let God be the one to do this in my life. this has included so many areas of my life, and one of those is my time management.

In order to be effective here I have been reminded that we all have the same amount of hours in our day, but that its how we choose to use them.
So because things here at times can be crazy, busy hectic etc. I know that in order to be most effective that i need to be a good steward of my time. What a great reminder this has been for me, and really helped me in those times of busyness. 

I feel as though i have said so much, yet so much more could still be said. Daily each of us face challenges, some greater than others and while other days are just great and amazing. so i am so thankful to have been able to share with you all some of the challenges as well as the praise points. 

I will just finish with a few prayer requests, and please be free to email me your prayer requests too. 

  • Pray for my car, this is an ongoing cost that does cost a lot of money, though I'm so blessed to have it.
  • Pray for my uni work as i continue to study, and that i would have the strength and peer both physically and spiritually to keep going. 
  • Pray as our school opens that this term (term 3), would be great. i am teaching 2 and a half days per week in the nursery class (2-3 year olds). 
So my coffee is gone, which is a sign that i need to stop writing. 

If you would like to receive emails from me, or would like to know more specifics of what I have been up to then feel free to email me; or send me a Facebook message. 
I love hearing from you all and the happenings of your lives too. 

take care 

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Community- how it has helped me.

Hello to you all

What a busy time it has been, and every time i go to sit and write, i get distracted, by all the other things going on here, like uni, work and just life.

Again i want to take a moment to be thankful for all that i have been given, 1 week ago i was in a car accident, where a truck hit the passengers side of the car, and the front of the car. Thankfully i was completely fine, on the bright side of all of this, i was some what like a clown in a car, where everyone came around to have a look and to see what was happening to the white girl. its more comical now then at the actual time. 
It all ended well, and for that i am just giving all praise to God. Sometimes car accidents here can turn out bad. I was thankful that i was so close to home, and in time of reflection am so thankful for the workers who all came around me. It really showed me a real sense of community, living here.  the workers came to me just seeing if i was okay, saying not to worry, and as they helped me to walk back to the house, i was able to share a meal that evening with our teachers  (one who had a birthday), where we could laugh together, and enjoy a meal. God just poured out his grace and mercy onto my life, and really showed me community living, where people really do actually care about you. 
honestly this was just so overwhelming in many ways, but such a great place to come to in realization that community is wherever you are at a point in your life. its the people who are around you who will support and care for you during different times. sometimes it's right in front of us, and its not until something happens that you really come to this realization. 

So as life continues on and my ca goes to get fixed, i'm back to riding on dala dala's and walking everywhere. Walking really makes you see life in a slower way, seeing all the happenings as you walk by, even walking fast you still see so much. but my point being that often we just need to slow down. In the crazy busy times we just need to stop and look around us at the beauty that's right there for us to see. to stop and greet someone, in broken Swahili and English, or to just marvel at the amazing sunsets, really places the things i am doing into there correct perspective. 

so as i finish up now, and go back to writing and editing my essay, i will leave you with some praise and prayer points. 

Praise Points

  • I am almost finished my first semester of uni.
  • Praise God for being completely okay after my car accident. 
  • The inner joy that comes as i can see what God has in stall for me
Prayer Points.
  • Pray for me as this accident has cost me more in funds, and is slightly stretching to the budget. 
  • Continued wisdom and knowledge as i study, work and do life here.
  • Pray also for Mama G who lives right by my house, (we share a stair case) she is going to have a baby in the next few weeks, please join me in praying for her, and their family, leading up to this time.
If you have prayer requests or praise points please send to me in either email or fb skype whichever works, even though i can't be with you i can pray for you and with you all. 

Monday, 28 April 2014

A time to rejoice.

Well this blog isn't as far and few between as the last ones, though i am writing this in the later hours of the night, so i hope that it makes sense. It seems to be the best time, that i can blog. And a new thing for me to be staying up so late...
We have had many power cuts of late, all of which no one really knows why these are happening. Some days are worse than others and today has been one of those better days where the power has been on for most of it. we are up to around 3 days where the power has come and gone. along with the washing machine that decided to break, but is now fixed and being of great use again. 
Well enough about the lack of power, and washing facilities. Let me continue, as I share with you a little more on the home front of life. 
Last blog i mentioned about parents day and the need to be thankful. This time i want to share a little about rejoicing. I have had nearly one month of holidays now and its been great. I have had so many adventures, like climbing Mt Meru again and being out in Magugu for Easter with over 300 youth kids, we have celebrated G's 1st birthday,  (our neighbour who i share my stair case with, their son turned 1). 
So its a time to celebrate. to rejoice. Even when things sometimes are hard, it;s important to celebrate and rejoice. Here we can always find a reason for celebrating, which always includes a cake of some sort and often a good cooked meal. i must say though that my baking skills are horrible and so often its my house mate who is the baker and makes all sorts of yumo cakes and hot cross buns, so i can't really take much of the credit for them at all except that i help to eat them and they taste great. We all know that the cake is the most important part, along with the people who you get to celebrate and rejoice with. 

One of my sisters just had her 3rd baby  a  boy, which was awesome but yet  bittersweet as its awesome i'm an aunty again but the bitter part comes when you can't be there to celebrate with family. So it was skype and phone calls to Australia that helped me through the day and photos as well. It is part of living life as away and at times its easy while other times is more of a struggle. 

Easter as i said was spent this year with over 300 youth kids.... it was a fun time though very different to my other Easters, we rapped to the fresh prince of bel air and played many crazy games with these kids. But the part that just caught my heart was when these young kids were just giving their whole hearts to God. They were so thankful and were able to give thanks and rejoice in all that they had at that time. This made me really stop and reflect upon my own life and how i can be rejoicing and celebrating and thanking God for each and everything, because every good and perfect gift comes from him. 
As i drove today from meeting a friend i saw the most amazing sunset, the sun was just going down and as i looked at the amazing colours that were reflecting on the trees i paused in my thoughts for a moment to just rejoice and celebrate that i do live in such an amazingly beautiful place.... again it was a time to rejoice and celebrate the small but beautiful part of God's creation. 

I recently had the chance to talk with my 6 year old niece on skype for around 40 minutes, again this was a treasured time, to be able to chat and celebrate the things that she has been doing. Even if it's across the other side of the world... 

As the holidays come to an end, (we will celebrate this with another cake) and we are now having our teacher only days, again i celebrated today with these teachers who are so passionate about serving the kids in our school, and about loving life, that you really can't help but to rejoice and celebrate with them. 

And so now the time is late, i shall meet with you all again via my blog or fb or some kind of technology type of way. 
so be blessed and look for the things to celebrate and rejoice in your life. And then tell me or someone else about it, because it's always more fun when its with other people.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

A time of Thanksgiving.

Mambo friends and family.

WOW let me begin with. what a busy few months it has been since i last blogged. So i have survived my first submission of essays for university, all with the daily trials of no power, and having to head to head into town for power. this also includes many long nights of trying to download at crazy hours of the morning because that's when the internet is fastest. it has been super busy, but i am constantly reminded of the promise that God showed to me, how this is now the time to do study. God was the one who showed this to me, and i am reminded so much of this.
we just had our end of school term parents day, where the children perform and parents come. the school is now closed for one month. we had over 100 parents attend our parents day, this is such an encouragement because its so many more than last year. Keep praying for more parents to catch the vision of our school and the work that is happening here.
during this crazy busy time my friend and our house help lost her baby at 3 months. her husband came to our house one morning, very worried and explained that she was very unwell. After some short discussion we all decided that she needed to go to hospital straight away. as i reflected i began to think about the amount that i have. how no matter what i always have enough, and the amount that i should be giving, to a family who can barely pay for food for their family, who are struggling to make ends meet. As i took them to hospital and helped them out in a financial way it just hit me how much God wants us to give  of ourselves to him, for me it just stopped me in my tracks, to be thankful that i was even able to do something so small for this family. how can i just sit back and ignore the basic needs of this family, when God has enabled me to be able to help them out.
 this was such a sad and heart breaking time for her and her family. She has 2 other children who attend our school, and her husband works with us too. Women here seem to have been losing babies, and this is the 5th person i know who has lost her baby, and i would ask you to please join me in prayer for these women who are losing babies before they are born. these are lives being lost.

i have been reflecting so much on this and in this comes to the thankfulness that each one of you believes in what i'm doing, i am so thankful for the prayer and the support that is shown to me from each of you, my words don't even seem enough, but please know how thankful i am for each one of you.
As i run through our village behind our base, i stop and just marvel at God's creation of the sunset, or laugh as i run with an entourage of  children running wit me shouting hi hi hi. its the everyday moments like these that i am affirmed that this is where God wants me to be. After a long busy day its always refreshing to be able to build the relationships with these families and children, to sometimes be forced to stop and just be. it is such a challenge at times, as my mind just says keep going i have work to do, yet such a part of this is the relationships being built along the way. by stopping and greeting someone to sitting in their house attempting to speak in swahili.

being able to stop and just breathe in the air that is fresh and know that it is God who is in control of all that i do, so long as i am willing and open to hearing his word and to learn.

so as i leave you with prayer points and praise points i pray for each of you, that God would just  dwell in each of your daily lives. that you too would be able to enjoy the simplicity of the busy lives we all live.

Prayer points

  • pray for these women losing babies. pray for their safety and health and pray for their spirits as they come to terms with the loss. 
  • pray for me as i continue to study, pray for wisdom as i read and good power and internet connection.
  • Please pray for the cost of my car, as i have just had to spend alot of money on it, pray that it will last and break again. 

Praise points.
  • i survived my fist submission of uni.
  • for each of you i am so thankful, for your prayer. 
  • being able to enjoy the small pleasures in life. 
I will enter his gates with thanksgiving in my heart, for i know that he is good.
blessings on you all. 

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Hi friends,
well its been a little while since my last update, pole sana. (very sorry), SO as i sit here on my computer blogging to you, i have to stop and remember the things that have happened in the last few weeks. 
Oh, so i'm now working down at school again in 4 classes this year i'm specifically working with the children who are low achieving. i work mostly with them in groups of 2 or 3, and am focusing right now on English, phonics and all that. ( i am working with the  preschool classes and year 1), its been really encouraging so far working with these children and being there to encourage them in learning. uni has started again and its keeping me very busy as well, so that's another part of the reason i haven't been so much in contact. 
one evening i decided to sleep early only to be woken at 10 pm asking me to take one of our teachers to hospital, we (5 of us) trecked to the first hospital only to be told oh sorry we don't do testing at night. but they proceeded to give her a needle, so then we made another treck to the 2nd hospital, where we waited for several hours, where she was tested and then sent home. praise God she is ok now and does not have Malaria or anything else. 
its times like this where i just stop and thank God for his provision upon my life. 

over the past weekend me, my 2 house mates Emma and Amy and another friend Sam all went to Magugu. we left for our 4 hour bus journey on Saturday afternoon and arrived to the hot and sticky, yet awesome place Magugu. it was so nice because we were there on the weekend this time, where as in the past it's always been a school day. we were able to hang out with Pastor Ezekiel and his family, speaking in Swahili and just being in community together. Sunday we went to a youth service where there were around 50 young girls, 2 of whom were Muslim singing and leading the choir. What impact God i making in this community. we gave our testimonies and danced a lot.  Ezekiel the pastor saw this need for these young youth to go to a church and so he put it into action, and made this happen. WHat a blessing this was for me to see so many young people worshiping and praising God and better yet they were hungry for the word. 
Sunday afternoon we did some more visiting around the community, with one of our teachers Joseph (a student teacher who now works in Magugu). and were able to take Pastor Ezekiel and his family out for a meal, his wife, and 2 children all sat for the form 4 exam and passed. this was such a great time to celebrate. 
Monday rolled around all too quickly, and we were up and ready for school devotions and then ready to head to see the preschool class, Pina the teacher of this class is amazing, and i was so encouraged by what i was seeing. Again i was seeing God in all his glory. 
we said our goodbyes and headed for the long 4 hour bus journey back to Arusha. As i sat down to my seat, i turned several minutes later to notice that there was a kuku (chicken) in a plastic bag with its little head popping out. we laughed about this and then several more minutes passed and a young girl came to sell her creams, only for me to then be asked to move again. so up i get and move to the seat behind me. i sit down and as i look over here is another lady with a kuku (chicken) on her lap. oh the buses in Africa. you just never know what will happen on them. eventually i moved to the back seat of the bus, not the best place as you get all the bumps as the bus goes full speed over the bumps. 
we stop a little and the ladies come to the side of your window in hope to sell there goods. watermelon, baskets, sodas, mats and many other goods you could imagine. 
we arrive back to Arusha and the rain pours down. we make it to the bus stand and wait in a shop, with people selling bread. everyone gathers round to get out of the rain, but also because of the novelty that the Wazungu are all there too, the rain eases up and we head walking to the market to get fruit and veggies, followed by a long dala dala trip home. we get to our stop and decide we want pee pee's (lollies) so we head to a friends shop and then back home. 
we arrive home and are so warmly greeted by our neighbors who share our stair case they missed us and hadn't seen us all weekend. 
the adventures just keep going each and everyday but ill share praise points with you all. 
praise points over the last little while 

  • being back in school
  • beginning uni 
  • the rain that has come and gone. 
prayer points 
  • please pray for my health and for our teachers as well flus are going around
  • pray for our new school to be registered, this is important to go ahead
so for now ill go but remember you can contact me, via facebook, email, skype, phone. etc. AND ill post some photos onto facebook as this seems to be the fastest way. 

look forward to hearing from you all. 

Monday, 3 February 2014

3 More nights in OZ


SO, now my time is quickly coming to an end. 3 more nights here in OZ land until i make the long journey back to Arusha, where i shall arrive at 3 am  or somewhere around that ridiculous time in the morning. let me say a huge ASANTE SANA, to you all for the support and love that has been shown to me over the 2 months that i have been in the land of luxury, good chocolate and most importantly great people. 

so as i prepare for the journey back i am just thinking and being reminded of so many great times i have shared with so many of you. these times shared will continue to hold a precious memory in my mind and remind me when times are hard, as i know they will be, that i have a caring and loving family back here in OZ land. 

it was such a blessing to be able to share on Sunday at Maitland baptist, and as we sung the song about rising up, as one body (Ray's song), it just really reminded me of community, family and fellowship. for this i am so truly thankful. 

some big prayer points before leaving, and when i arrive i shall share with you today. 

  • Pray for my permit (visa) its coming, but i need it before Friday morning so i can arrive back in Tanzania without any hassles. 
  • Pray for my safety as i travel and make long stop overs in Bangkok and Addis. 
  • Pray that God would speak to me clearly as i travel. 
  • At this point i am slightly unsure as to getting back to Arusha at the early hours of the morning. please be in prayer that Emma my house mate finds someone to travel with her (driving my car) so she can come and get me. 
  • continue to pray for my financial support. some specific needs that i am waiting on God for, if you would like to know specifics on this please email me or Margaret, my email is
  • pray for me as i begin uni on March 1st.  

Praise points:

  • Being completely blessed by the love and care here in OZ
  • Having coffee with great friends.
  • catching up and spending good quality time with my nieces and nephews and extended family.
  • being welcomed into church life in OZ.

SO for now i shall go, but ill email/ blog again soon. 
blessings to all. 

REMEMBER you can contact me
Skype- Carly.greening
Facebook- Carly Greening

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

My Aussie Adventure

Hello to all my friends and family. 

Well its now January and i cant believe that i only have just 3 weeks until i make the long journey back to Arusha. 
But before i get ready for my big departure let me fill you in on some of the adventures and blessings that i have been having over the last 2 months.
My time in Oz has been widely spread with many fun adventures.. i had the chance to get to Dubbo twice. 
As i took the 4 hour journey i was reminded by a lot of the scenery that is seen in Tanzania, but the only difference was and still is, that the roads are just so much better here than in Arusha. although they are being improved. 
As i sit here and write this blog to you all, i am thankful for the chance to be able to visit Australia. its been a real time of r and r and for that i am thankful. 
i had the chance to see many friends, as well and was completely surprised by some of the old staff that i worked with as they had a picnic with everyone in the park, the families who i used to work with. this was such a great day. 
as i returned to my 'home' church i was warmly welcomed back, each week since i have been back. i was reminded of the parable of the lost son, and how he returned, they celebrated. it was so great being able to re connect with old faces and to catch up on life again. 

i have had many chances to get to the beach, and swim a favorite past time of mine. 

I do want to say a huge thank you to those of you who have supported me, both through prayer and financially. you are all such a blessing to me in more ways than you shall ever know. 
so as i prepare my last weeks here in Oz i continue to stop and just be still, knowing that this time here is so precious. 

until i type again. enjoy your day's/ weeks and month. 

oh if you do want to keep more updated remember you can skype with me, facebook, text or even snail mail.