The adventure and fun of living life in Arusha.
Well dear friends family and those of you who read this blog of mine, it has been sometime since I last blogged about my life here so thus no time like the present to update you all.
The last 2 months- the last 2 months if my time here at Engedi have been some what busy. As an understatement. We had the end in August which came with many hand overs to my role and job. I finished the term in the preschool class and handed the battery over to our new teacher Catherine. She is from Tanga and is taking the role of full time teaching for me. This now releases me to be free to work with both preschool classes. A new role in which I'm excited to be taking on. As the term closed I then had a much needed break and prepared for my parents arrival. They arrived at the end of August and have spent the whole month with me. This has been suck a blessing to have family come across and visit to see the way life here is lived. I am so thankful for there visiting. It's great to be able to stop and see things through someone's eyes who are experiencing Africa for the very first time. We have has many laughs together as well as some more serious discussions. We were able to head to Zanzibar, which was an experience in itself. This was quality time that I will forever value to be able to spend time with the folks. It's been really cool to be able to take them around Arusha and for them to see all the places that I have talked about and to meet all the people I have mentioned for so long.
As I said my role is now changing again, and it again will look different from what I had imagined, I will be working with both preschool teachers and am currently praying about doing uni via distance as of next year. Prayer for this would be great.
I'm super excited by what God is doing and about to do in my life and I'm seeing do many changes along the way. I am humbled time and time again that it's by his grace that I'm here and doing this work. In fact this September marks 2 years since I left Australia to come to Africa to work. His grace is enough and it's daily that I stop and thank him for where I have come and where I am going.
I know that many of you don't hear from me as often as last year, but please know that I still regularly think about and pray for each of you by name, I am still ever so thankful for those of you who financially support me and those of you who are also praying for me without these 2 important pieces I would not continue to stay here to complete the work I know God is calling me to. So again thankyou. Each and everyone one of you.
If you would prefer to hear from me via email send me a message or contact me via the Internet world.
May god bless you all until I write again